
1981 - Commencement of building works for the inaugural SS&RS Headquarters built on the Shepparton Show Grounds site – SS&RS moved out of this building on 6 July 2011.

1983 - Purchase of New Rescue Vehicle –

Mazda T3000 Twin Cab Lt Truck. This was eventually fitted with a Modular system with gull wing type doors and outfitted with modern Road Rescue and General Rescue Equipment.

1986 - New Mazda T3000 Light Rescue Vehicle Commissioned by Members.

1988 - Purchase of New Alpha Numeric Paging System.

Continuing Progress: 

The Evolution of Shepparton Search & Rescue Squad in the 1980s

As the Shepparton Search & Rescue Squad (SSRS) moved into its second decade, the 1980s marked a period of significant growth and development. This decade was characterized by technological advancements, infrastructure expansion, and the introduction of more sophisticated rescue equipment that enhanced the capabilities of the SSRS.

1981: Establishing a Permanent Base

One of the most significant milestones for SSRS in the early '80s was the commencement of construction for their inaugural headquarters. This building, located at the Shepparton Show Grounds, was a major step forward in establishing a permanent base for operations. Prior to this, the squad had operated without a dedicated headquarters, which posed challenges in coordination and storage of equipment. The new headquarters served as the operational hub for SSRS until 6 July 2011, when they moved to a new location. 

1983: Enhancing Fleet Capabilities

In 1983, SSRS further strengthened its operational fleet with the purchase of a new rescue vehicle, a Mazda T3000 Twin Cab Light Truck. This vehicle was not only a critical addition in terms of mobility but also in functionality. It was later fitted with a modular system featuring gull wing type doors, which allowed for better organization and accessibility of tools and equipment. The truck was specifically outfitted to handle modern road and general rescue operations, making it a versatile asset for the squad.

1986: Commissioning New Technology

By 1986, the new Mazda T3000 light rescue vehicle was fully commissioned and integrated into the fleet. This process was spearheaded by the squad members themselves, who took an active role in equipping and customizing the vehicle to meet the specific demands of rescue operations in the Shepparton area. The vehicle's commissioning represented a significant improvement in the SSRS's response capabilities, particularly in handling complex rescue scenarios.

1988: Advancing Communication Systems

Continuing with technological upgrades, 1988 saw the SSRS purchase a new Alpha Numeric Paging System. This system represented a significant advancement in communication technology, replacing older systems and allowing for more efficient and effective communication among members during emergencies. The introduction of this system not only improved response times but also helped in the coordination of rescue operations, ensuring that the right resources were deployed quickly and efficiently.

The 1980s were a transformative period for the Shepparton Search & Rescue Squad, marked by strategic improvements in infrastructure, technology, and equipment. These enhancements not only bolstered the squad's operational effectiveness but also underscored its commitment to providing top-notch rescue services to the Shepparton community. As SSRS continued to grow and adapt, it remained firmly rooted in its mission to save lives and serve the community in times of need.