Become a Member

Ever wanted to help your community in a time of need?

It takes a dedicated, kind and passionate kind of person to volunteer for an emergency service. We are always looking for people who are resilient and community focused to join the squad. We have people from all backgrounds and professions, from accountants to retirees, technicians to truck drivers, farmers to stay at home parents, what you do for work doesn't reflect what you do at the squad. There are many roles you can volunteer for at the squad, from active duties to administration.

Getting Started

Does this sound like you? Everyone is welcome at our regular training nights, Monday's from 7:30pm at our headquarters, 15 Dudley St Shepparton. Keen to chat to someone first? Contact us at 

Police Check

All members regardless of their interest must submit a Police check before volunteering with Shepparton Search and Rescue

Physical Fitness for Role

A National Minimum level of fitness for operation members must be met. Tasks involve walking for a kilometer, lifting weights similar to a chainsaw or carrying a sandbag


If you want to get in and get your hands dirty then operations may be for you. With class leading training provided, you will then be able to assist in flood events, storms, land search, boating and road crash rescue.


It takes a lot of time and effort behind the scenes to keep the squad running and we are always on the lookout for help with accounts, catering, grants, funding, reporting, maintenance and housekeeping.


Is getting the message out your thing? Community engagement is a key component of education and storm preparation events in the region.